air filter

air filter
Смотри Аэрофильтр.

Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии. — М.: Интермет Инжиниринг. . 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "air filter" в других словарях:

  • Air filter — An air filter is a device which removes solid particulates such as dust, pollen, mold, and bacteria from air. Air filters are used in applications where air quality is important, notably in building ventilation systems and in engines, such as… …   Wikipedia

  • air filter — A device for removing impurities from the air which enters the combustion chamber. Also see air cleaner canister air filter centrifugal force air filter …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • air filter — noun a filter that removes dust from the air that passes through it • Syn: ↑air cleaner • Hypernyms: ↑filter • Hyponyms: ↑filter tip • Part Holonyms: ↑ventilator …   Useful english dictionary

  • air filter — noun A filter for removing dust and other particles from a stream of air, typically used in the air intake of an internal combustion engine, the output of an air compressor, the supply duct of a forced air furnace, etc …   Wiktionary

  • air filter — i. A filter in the induction system of a reciprocating engine to prevent dust or sand from entering the engine. ii. A filter in the pneumatic system of aircraft to keep impurities from entering the system …   Aviation dictionary

  • air filter — device which removes impurities from the air …   English contemporary dictionary

  • air filter — noun a device for filtering particles from the air passing into an internal combustion engine …   English new terms dictionary

  • air filter element — The replaceable filter which prevents impurities from the air which enters the combustion chamber. Also called air cleaner element …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Air filter — Воздушный фильтр …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • centrifugal force air filter — A type of canister air filter used on the engines of semi tractor trailer units which removes the dust before it reaches the filter element …   Dictionary of automotive terms

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