texture analysis

texture analysis
Смотри текстурный анализ.

Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии. — М.: Интермет Инжиниринг. . 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "texture analysis" в других словарях:

  • Texture synthesis — is the process of algorithmically constructing a large digital image from a small digital sample image by taking advantage of its structural content. It is object of research to computer graphics and is used in many fields, amongst others digital …   Wikipedia

  • Texture (crystalline) — In materials science, texture is the distribution of crystallographic orientations of a polycrystalline sample. A sample in which these orientations are fully random is said to have no texture. If the crystallographic orientations are not random …   Wikipedia

  • Texture (music) — Introduction to Sousa s Washington Post March, m. 1 7   …   Wikipedia

  • Texture (cristallographie) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir texture. Structure polycristalline d un acier électrique. Chaque grain a une orientation differente, visible par les différentes …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Mesure de texture par diffraction de rayons X — Diffractométrie de rayons X La diffractométrie de rayons X (DRX, on utilise aussi souvent l abréviation anglaise XRD pour X ray diffraction) est une technique d analyse basée sur la diffraction des rayons X sur la matière. La diffraction n ayant… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Soil texture — is a soil property used to describe the relative proportion of different grain sizes of mineral particles in a soil. Particles are grouped according to their size into what are called soil separates. These separates are typically named clay, silt …   Wikipedia

  • Motion analysis — is a topic in computer vision, image processing, and machine vision that studies methods and applications in which two or more consecutive images from an image sequences, e.g., produced by a video camera, are processed to produce information… …   Wikipedia

  • Socio-Analysis — is the activity of exploration, consultancy, and action research which combines and synthesises methodologies and theories derived from psychoanalysis, group relations, social systems thinking, organisational behaviour, and social dreaming [Bain… …   Wikipedia

  • Thermal analysis — is a branch of materials science where the properties of materials are studied as they change with temperature. Techniques include: *Differential scanning calorimetry *Dynamic mechanical analysis *Thermomechanical analysis *Thermogravimetric… …   Wikipedia

  • Site analysis — is an inventory completed as a preparatory step to site planning, a form of urban planning which involves research, analysis, and synthesis. It primarily deals with basic data as it relates to a specific site. The topic itself branches into the… …   Wikipedia

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