metals technology

metals technology
Смотри технология металлов.

Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии. — М.: Интермет Инжиниринг. . 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "metals technology" в других словарях:

  • Metals Treatment Technologies — (MT2) Type Private, LLC Industry Environmental Services, Firing Range Solutions Founded Aug. 4, 2000 …   Wikipedia

  • technology, history of — Introduction       the development over time of systematic techniques for making and doing things. The term technology, a combination of the Greek technē, “art, craft,” with logos, “word, speech,” meant in Greece a discourse on the arts, both… …   Universalium

  • Metals conservation — The bronze apoxyomenos, ,dated between 1st and 2nd century BC,found and recovered from Adriatic sea near small island Vele Oryule,near island Loshiny, example of archaeological metals conservation, Croatia Metals conservation, or more precisely… …   Wikipedia

  • Technology — By the mid 20th century, humans had achieved a mastery of technology sufficient to leave the atmosphere of the Earth for the first time and explore space. Technology …   Wikipedia

  • METALS AND MINING — In the Bible Six metals are mentioned in the Bible and in many passages they are listed in the same order: gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, and lead. Antimony is also mentioned. The metals are referred to in various contexts, including methods of …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Technology in Stargate — Naqahdah redirects here. For one of the archaeologically identified cultures of Pre Dynastic Egypt, see Naqadan culture. For the town on the west bank of the Nile in Egypt, see Naqada. For other uses, see Naqada (disambiguation). The most… …   Wikipedia

  • Technology of the Discworld — The technology depicted in Terry Pratchett s Discworld novels takes two forms: magical and mechanical. Nearly all technology early in the series is at least partially magical, but in recent books there has been something of an industrial… …   Wikipedia

  • military technology — Introduction       range of weapons, equipment, structures, and vehicles used specifically for the purpose of fighting. It includes the knowledge required to construct such technology, to employ it in combat, and to repair and replenish it.… …   Universalium

  • Minor metals — is a widely used term in the metal industry that generally refers to primary metals not traded on the London Metal Exchange (LME). Contents 1 Characteristics 2 Industry 3 Production 4 Applications …   Wikipedia

  • Delft University of Technology — Technische Universiteit Delft Motto Challenge the Future …   Wikipedia

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