boundary conditions

boundary conditions
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Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии. — М.: Интермет Инжиниринг. . 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "boundary conditions" в других словарях:

  • boundary conditions — conditions on a border …   English contemporary dictionary

  • boundary conditions — /baʊndri kənˈdɪʃənz/ (say bowndree kuhn dishuhnz) plural noun Mathematics mathematical expressions which describe the behaviour of a mathematical function usually at extreme values of the variable …  

  • Periodic boundary conditions — In molecular dynamics, periodic boundary conditions (PBC) are a set of boundary conditions used to simulate an effectively infinitely tiled system, usually applied to systems consisting of one or more macromolecules in a bath of explicit solvent …   Wikipedia

  • Periodic boundary conditions — Condition périodique aux limites Pour les articles homonymes, voir CPL et PBC. En simulation numérique, et plus particulièrement en chimie, les conditions périodiques aux limites (CPL, en anglais periodic boundary conditions PBC) constituent un… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Boundary — (plural: boundaries) may refer to: Border in psychology, Personal boundaries in mathematics, Boundary (topology), the closure minus the interior of a subset of a topological space; an edge in the topology of manifolds, as in the case of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Boundary value problem — In mathematics, in the field of differential equations, a boundary value problem is a differential equation together with a set of additional restraints, called the boundary conditions. A solution to a boundary value problem is a solution to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Conditions périodiques aux limites — Condition périodique aux limites Pour les articles homonymes, voir CPL et PBC. En simulation numérique, et plus particulièrement en chimie, les conditions périodiques aux limites (CPL, en anglais periodic boundary conditions PBC) constituent un… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Boundary conformal field theory — In theoretical physics, boundary conformal field theory (BCFT) is a conformal field theory defined on a spacetime with a boundary (or boundaries). Different kinds of boundary conditions for the fields may be imposed on the fundamental fields; for …   Wikipedia

  • Boundary element method — The boundary element method is a numerical computational method of solving linear partial differential equations which have been formulated as integral equations (i.e. in boundary integral form). It can be applied in many areas of engineering and …   Wikipedia

  • boundary value problem — Math. any of a series of problems occurring in the solution of a differential equation with boundary conditions. * * * …   Universalium

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