cycle life

cycle life
Смотри циклическая долговечность.

Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии. — М.: Интермет Инжиниринг. . 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "cycle life" в других словарях:

  • cycle life —   Number of discharge charge cycles that a battery can tolerate under specified conditions before it fails to meet specified criteria as to performance (e.g., capacity decreases to 80 percent of the nominal capacity).   Solar Electric Glossary …   Energy terms

  • cycle — cy‧cle [ˈsaɪkl] noun [countable] a series of events that happen in an order that regularly repeats itself: • Approved Training Practices are monitored by the Association on a five year cycle. ˈbilling ˌcycle ACCOUNTING the usual time that is… …   Financial and business terms

  • Life cycle — refers to: * Biological life cycle ** Honey bee life cycle * Life cycle of a nation * New product development * Product life cycle management * LIFECYCLE Fundraising * Software life cycle * Adobe LifeCycle …   Wikipedia

  • life force — Synonyms and related words: anima, animating force, atman, bathmism, beating heart, biological clock, biorhythm, blood, breath, breath of life, divine breath, divine spark, elan vital, essence of life, force of life, growth force, heart,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • life principle — Synonyms and related words: anima, animating force, astral body, atman, bathmism, beating heart, biological clock, biorhythm, blood, breath, breath of life, buddhi, divine breath, divine spark, elan vital, essence of life, force of life, gross… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Life Cycle Costing — (auf deutsch: Kosten innerhalb eines Lebenszyklus) ist eine Kostenmanagement Methode, die die Entwicklung eines Produktes von der Produktidee bis zur Rücknahme vom Markt betrachtet (Produktlebenszyklus), also von der Wiege bis ins Grab . Dabei… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Life Cycle Engineering — (LCE) is an approach to assess the environmental impacts, in conjunction with economic impacts under consideration of technical boundary conditions.Scope of the assessment is usually the whole life cycle of a product consisting of production, use …   Wikipedia

  • Cycle of Life — is a cycling expedition organised to raise awareness and funds for rural African communities in and around conservation areas. Contents 1 The expedition 2 Money raised 3 Royal support 4 …   Wikipedia

  • Cycle of the Werewolf —   First edition cover …   Wikipedia

  • life cycle — life cycles 1) N COUNT: usu with poss The life cycle of an animal or plant is the series of changes and developments that it passes through from the beginning of its life until its death. The dormant period is another stage in the life cycle of… …   English dictionary

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