X-ray camera

X-ray camera
Смотри рентгеновская камера.

Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии. — М.: Интермет Инжиниринг. . 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "X-ray camera" в других словарях:

  • X-ray camera — rentgeno kamera statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. X ray camera vok. Röntgenkamera, f rus. рентгеновская камера, f pranc. chambre photographique pour les rayons X, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • gam|ma-ray camera — «GAM uh RAY», an instrument for rapidly forming a radiographic image by scanning …   Useful english dictionary

  • Ray, Satyajit — born May 2, 1921, Calcutta, India died April 23, 1992, Calcutta Bengali Indian film director. After studying with Rabindranath Tagore, he became art director of an ad agency and a book illustrator. He sold all his possessions to make his first… …   Universalium

  • Ray, Satyajit — ► (1922 92) Director cinematográfico hindú. Consigue comunicar un raro calor humano a través de una perfecta plástica. Películas: Pather Panchali (1950) y Aparajito (1957), entre otras. * * * (2 may. 1921, Calcuta, India–23 abr. 1992, Calcuta).… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Ray Harryhausen — at Forbidden Planet, London. Born Raymond Frederick Harryhausen June 29, 1920 (1920 06 29) (age 91) Los Angeles, California, U.S …   Wikipedia

  • RAY (M.) — Pionnier, avec Marcel Duchamp et Picabia, du mouvement le plus radical de l’art moderne qui, de Dada au surréalisme, traverse jusqu’à notre époque tout le champ des arts visuels, Man Ray a largement contribué, par son œuvre polymorphe: tableaux,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Ray (optics) — Ray of light redirects here. For other uses, see Ray of light (disambiguation). In optics, a ray is an idealized narrow beam of light. Rays are used to model the propagation of light through an optical system, by dividing the real light field up… …   Wikipedia

  • camera — [kam′ər ə, kam′rə] n. pl. cameras; also for CAMERA 1, camerae [kam′ər ē΄] [L camera, vault < Gr kamara, vaulted chamber < IE base * kam , to arch] 1. a chamber; specif., the private office of a judge 2. short for CAMERA OBSCURA 3. [ …   English World dictionary

  • RAY (S.) — RAY SATYAJIT (1921 1992) Né à Calcutta dans une famille d’artistes, Satyajit Ray est la plus importante figure de l’histoire du cinéma indien un cinéma qui est, rappelons le, le plus gros producteur de films au monde. Mais Ray s’est toujours tenu …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Ray Dunakin — Ray R. Dunakin III is the author of a series of popular Shareware adventure games published for the Macintosh in the 90 s. The majority of the games take place in a fictional realm called Ray s Maze and incorporate expansive worlds, colorful… …   Wikipedia

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