steel rope

steel rope
Смотри стальной канат.

Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии. — М.: Интермет Инжиниринг. . 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "steel rope" в других словарях:

  • Rope lock — A rope lock is a device used in a counterweight fly system to keep a rope from moving. It consists of two steel claws which are pushed against each other to keep friction against the rope. A long steel handle (usually covered in a red rubber… …   Wikipedia

  • Rope splicing — A line eye spliced to a snap shackle. Rope splicing in ropework is the forming of a semi permanent joint between two ropes or two parts of the same rope by partly untwisting and then interweaving their strands. Splices can be used to form a… …   Wikipedia

  • rope — roper, n. ropelike, adj. /rohp/, n., v., roped, roping. n. 1. a strong, thick line or cord, commonly one composed of twisted or braided strands of hemp, flax, or the like, or of wire or other material. 2. a lasso. 3. ropes, a. the cords used to… …   Universalium

  • Rope dart — The rope dart or rope javelin (zh tsp |t=繩鏢 |s=绳镖 |p=shéng biāo), also known as Jouhyou in Japanese, is one of the flexible weapons in Chinese martial arts. Other weapons in this family include the meteor hammer, flying claws, and chain whip.… …   Wikipedia

  • Steel Cage Match — Beim Wrestling gibt es eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten, Matches anzusetzen. Dies betrifft die Art und Anzahl der Teilnehmer, die Art und Weise, das Match zu beenden sowie an den Ausgang des Kampfes geknüpfte Bedingungen. Ein Wrestling Match kann… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • steel-clad rope — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ noun : a hoisting rope whose strands have received an additional external serving of flat strip steel to secure additional wearing surface without a sacrifice of flexibility …   Useful english dictionary

  • steel — [OE] Steel is etymologically a ‘firm’ substance. The word goes back to a prehistoric West Germanic *stakhlam, which was derived from the Germanic base *stakh , *stagh ‘be firm’ (source also of English stay ‘rope, support’). It has Germanic… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • steel — [OE] Steel is etymologically a ‘firm’ substance. The word goes back to a prehistoric West Germanic *stakhlam, which was derived from the Germanic base *stakh , *stagh ‘be firm’ (source also of English stay ‘rope, support’). It has Germanic… …   Word origins

  • wire rope isolator — products that provide shock and vibration isolation in horizontal, vertical and lateral axis. They are made of stainless steel rope, which makes them operable in extreme environments …   Mechanics glossary

  • plow steel — steel that contains 0.5 to 0.95 percent carbon. [perh. from the quality of the strong wire rope made from it, used to attach a plow to a steam engine] * * * …   Universalium

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