Henry constant

Henry constant
Смотри константа Генри.

Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии. — М.: Интермет Инжиниринг. . 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "Henry constant" в других словарях:

  • Henry's law — may sometimes refer to Lenz s Law In chemistry, Henry s law is one of the gas laws, formulated by William Henry. It states that:: At a constant temperature, the amount of a given gas dissolved in a given type and volume of liquid is directly… …   Wikipedia

  • Henry VIII of England — Henry VIII redirects here. For other uses, see Henry VIII (disambiguation). Henry VIII …   Wikipedia

  • Henry Crawford — (portrayed by Joseph Beattie) with his sister, Mary Crawford, in the 2007 BBC television drama Mansfield Park Gender …   Wikipedia

  • Henry A. Wise — Henry Alexander Wise (3 décembre 1806 12 septembre 1876) fut un avocat, un homme politique de Virginie et un général de l’armée confédérée pendant la guerre de Sécession. Sommaire 1 Débuts 2 Mariage et famille 3 Carrière politique …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Constant Ferdinand Burille — (born 30 August 1866 – died December 1914, Boston) was an American chess master. He was a Bostonian born in Paris (according to another source born in Boston),[1] Burille was a member of a group of Boston chess players and theoreticians who… …   Wikipedia

  • Henry Poulaille — Henry Poulaille, né le 5 décembre 1896 à Paris et mort le 30 mars 1980 à Cachan, est un écrivain anarchiste français. Biographie Fils d un charpentier anarchiste originaire de Nantes et d une canneuse de chaise de Ménilmontant, il se retrouve… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Henry IV of France's wives and mistresses — played a significant role in the politics of his reign. Both Henry (1553–1610) and his first wife Marguerite of Valois, whom he married in 1572, were repeatedly unfaithful to each other, and the collapse of their marriage led to their… …   Wikipedia

  • Henry IV of France's succession — to the throne in 1589 was followed by a four year war to establish his legitimacy. Henry IV inherited the throne after the assassination of Henry III, the last Valois king, who died without children. Henry was already King of Navarre, as the… …   Wikipedia

  • Henry James, Sr. — Henry James Sr. (June 3, 1811, Albany, New York December 18, 1882, Boston, Massachusetts) was an American theologian and Swedenborgian, best known as the father of the philosopher William James, novelist Henry James, and diarist Alice… …   Wikipedia

  • Henry Jones, Sr. — Henry Jones, Sr. Indiana Jones character Henry Jones, Sr. (left) First appearance Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade …   Wikipedia

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