ferroalloy-making furnace

ferroalloy-making furnace
Смотри ферросплавная печь .

Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии. — М.: Интермет Инжиниринг. . 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "ferroalloy-making furnace" в других словарях:

  • Electric arc furnace — An electric arc furnace (EAF) is a furnace that heats charged material by means of an electric arc. Arc furnaces range in size from small units of approximately one ton capacity (used in foundries for producing cast iron products) up to about 400 …   Wikipedia

  • ферросплавная печь — [ferroalloy making furnace] дуговая печь смешанного нагрева (Смотри Руднотермическая печь) для производства ферросплавов восстановлением (С, Si или А1) рудных материалов. Ферросплавная печь мощностью 10 100 МВ А (рис.) используется для… …   Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии

  • steel — steellike, adj. /steel/, n. 1. any of various modified forms of iron, artificially produced, having a carbon content less than that of pig iron and more than that of wrought iron, and having qualities of hardness, elasticity, and strength varying …   Universalium

  • iron processing — Introduction       use of a smelting process to turn the ore into a form from which products can be fashioned. Included in this article also is a discussion of the mining of iron and of its preparation for smelting.       Iron (Fe) is a… …   Universalium

  • ship — shipless, adj. shiplessly, adv. /ship/, n., v., shipped, shipping. n. 1. a vessel, esp. a large oceangoing one propelled by sails or engines. 2. Naut. a. a sailing vessel square rigged on all of three or more masts, having jibs, staysails, and a… …   Universalium

  • Becket, Frederick Mark — ▪ American metallurgist born Jan. 11, 1875, Montreal, Que., Can. died Dec. 1, 1942, New York, N.Y., U.S.  metallurgist who developed a process of using silicon instead of carbon as a reducing agent in metal production, thus making low carbon… …   Universalium

  • Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional — Companhia Siderurgica Nacional (CSN) Type Sociedade Anônima Traded as BM F Bovespa …   Wikipedia

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