zonal decay

zonal decay
Смотри зонный распад.

Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии. — М.: Интермет Инжиниринг. . 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "zonal decay" в других словарях:

  • зонный распад — [zonal decay] распад твердого раствора металлического сплава, сопровождающий образование кластеров; Смотри также: Распад фазовый распад равномерный распад непрерывный распад …   Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии

  • Trip distribution — (or destination choice or zonal interchange analysis), is the second component (after trip generation, but before mode choice and route assignment) in the traditional four step transportation forecasting model. This step matches tripmakers’… …   Wikipedia

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  • climate — /kluy mit/, n. 1. the composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region, as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds, throughout the year, averaged over a series of years. 2. a region or… …   Universalium

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  • Europe, history of — Introduction       history of European peoples and cultures from prehistoric times to the present. Europe is a more ambiguous term than most geographic expressions. Its etymology is doubtful, as is the physical extent of the area it designates.… …   Universalium

  • igneous rock — Any of various crystalline or glassy, noncrystalline rocks formed by the cooling and solidification of molten earth material (magma). Igneous rocks comprise one of the three principal classes of rocks, the others being metamorphic and sedimentary …   Universalium

  • geochronology — geochronologic /jee oh kron l oj ik/, geochronological, adj. geochronologist, n. /jee oh kreuh nol euh jee/, n. the chronology of the earth, as based on both absolute and relative methods of age determination. [1890 95; GEO + CHRONOLOGY] * * *… …   Universalium

  • Vega 1 — Infobox Spacecraft Name = Vega 1 spacecraft Caption = Vega 1 Organization = USSR Major Contractors = Mission Type = Flyby, balloon and lander Flyby Of = Venus, Halley Flyby Date = June 11, 1985 (Venus) and March 6, 1986 (Halley) Launch = 1984 12… …   Wikipedia

  • Vega 2 — Infobox Spacecraft Name = Vega 2 Caption = Vega 2 Organization = USSR Major Contractors = Mission Type = Flyby, balloon and lander Flyby Of = Venus, Halley Flyby Date = June 15, 1985 (Venus) and March 9, 1986 (Halley) Launch = 1984 12 21 at 09:13 …   Wikipedia

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